I'd never even consider putting it past State Now imagine a heroic death bring as well week one I bet that will be the most expensive item we will see by far . So, that's it for today's dose of GVK the drama of P.
Let me know your thoughts I'm guessing that the discussion will be a good one on this. And as always, thank you to everyone for your time and attention. I'll see you all next one. Very soon.
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How Kil'Jaeden Was Beaten in 1 HOUR in Classic TBC - WOTLK News
Classic Burning Crusade has been in operation for more than 11 months. Yesterday night, one of, if not the most difficult raids that the classic players have seen so far has was released on the Sunwell Plateau.
Kil'Jaedan is the hardest Raid Boss in the TBC Classic?
This raid includes some of the most well-known bosses ever to appear in WoW, like the kil Jaeden retailers and, of course mourou. How did players from 2022 with decades of knowledge and being in World of Warcraft do 15 years after?
As you can imagine, this raid got cleared very shortly after the raid was released. What may be surprising is it actually took under an hour to complete the task. 52 minutes in all When back in the days, it took two weeks for the clan SK Gaming to claim world first. However, there's a problem and we'll talk about it in a moment yesterday.
To achieve this feat the Chinese world's first guild, the old school as well as a lot of other guilds from around the globe had to resort to some bizarre strategies in order to succeed in the feat in less than one hour.
We'll look at exactly how they accomplished that and compare it to the world of the beginning, just for enjoyment. So , without further delay we'll get right into it. So first and foremost, it's worth mentioning that compared to any other full length raid we've played in classic Sunwell Plateau is quite simple and doesn't have much trash in comparison. In fact, there's like four parts of trash within this raid, including a gauntlet and most of it is packed very early in the instance IGGM is the best store to buy WoW Classic WOTLK Gold. Cheap WOTLK Gold for sale on any US/EU servers with fast delivery and huge stock, all provided by iggm.com." / .