Learn what is eCommerce and different types of eCommerce - B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C.
Also learn about Mobile Commerce and Social Media Commerce.
To watch in Hindi - https://youtu.be/HOu0W_NkM2Q
For notes on Ecommerce click on - https://simplycoding.in/e-commerce-and-e-governance-notes/
For Questions on Ecommerce click on- https://simplycoding.in/e-commerce-and-e-governance-question-bank/
00:10 What is Commerce
01:06 What is E-commerce
03:21 Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce
04:31 What is B2C
04:49 What is B2B
05:10 What is C2C
05:35 What is C2B
05:57 Ecommerce Trade cycle