Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: you’re ready to master the high seas
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lijing zhu
Jul 03, 2024
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11. Offloading Materials
Your ship’s cargo hold can carry thousands of kilograms but has limited slots. Free up space by visiting Warehouses at Pirate Dens or discovering Caches in Outposts. Offload excess resources and sell commodities to make room for new loot.
12. Check Trade Routes
Find crafting materials by checking trade routes on the world map, indicated by dotted lines. Instead of buying limited supplies from settlements, intercept merchant ships along these routes to acquire materials and silver.
13. Don’t Fire Near Settlements
Avoid firing near settlements, even at the water, to prevent retaliation from guard towers and neighboring ships. If you need materials from faction ships, attack them near a settlement without initiating a Plunder. Reinforcements will drop both silver and materials, and after defeating enough, you can Plunder the settlement for specialized resources.
14. Respawn Options
If your ship sinks, you can respawn on the water or at an outpost. Respawning at an outpost is costly and results in permanent ship damage until repaired. It’s often better to respawn on the water, finish off weak enemies, and repair your ship at a nearby outpost before re-engaging.
15. Toggling Ship Status Effects
To see the status effects of enemy ships during World Events or PvP, go to Settings, navigate to the Interface tab, and select Customize UI. Toggle All to display status effects, which is especially useful for prioritizing targets when playing a support role.
With these tips, you’re ready to master the high seas in Skull and Bones. Hoist the sails, ready the cannons, and set sail for adventure!
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