Mmoexp WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold: these world-first guilds selling bronze
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lijing zhu
Jun 15, 2024
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It's pretty simple maths there. If the gains resulted from the GD K was sold in this manner that's 250 million worth of gold in the market. which isn't bad if you put it into perspective that the the race to world first was by far the highest gold-intensive rate of all time by a long margin with many guilds spending in excess of 500 mil gold in retail stores to secure first place limit, for example, had a budget of 723 million gold that was released that at the time in wild tokens would amount roughly of $93.000 according to their own estimations. That's the sum spent on a race to world first loads of sponsors.
Many thousands of viewers are watching the massive guild's huge social media presence, and every possible advantage they could obtain to win , and they invest seventy-three million EBC classic GD K p claiming for the chance to win some gold. No big event without sponsors, no announcements and just a race to see if they could do it. 250 million gold which is 1/3 of the amount for the guild that was competing to be the first in the world to claim the prize of the new retail raid and, if the limit is roughly $93.000 and since the gold was sold at a 1 to 250 ratio this GDK P Ron was worth about $31.000. These are, however, the rates you can get through trading in gold. The rates aren't as favorable when you do this since, well, it's legit.
Let's suppose, for example, that I knew the actual value of gold for each game is closer to one to 100 Oh, in addition do not buy gold, you'll totally get banned, in which case there's a minimum of 100 million golden retail value or through non legitimate ways of getting gold for $9.000 It is also recommended that you can replace all your TBC gear really fast in Wrath of the Lich King like all of this stuff will be replaced if you don't in a heroic dungeon, which are very simple to complete, then certainly by the time that you're completing the tier seven ref content, which you know, it's extremely simple. It's a lot of gold. But, you cannot ignore the fact that these world-first guilds selling bronze after the race, for one millimeter separated.
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