Mmoexp WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold: This is when the scourge really took over as well as major world events
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lijing zhu
May 31, 2024
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The duration of the players' plight prior to turning was reduced from five minutes to two and huge scourge necropolis appeared outside the city walls, hovering ominously close as chaos remained unfilled on the streets.
These launched targeted attacks that players had to make an effort to avoid from thoughts of similar to the classic version. The invasion was a threat if you're still remembering to stay in these areas, you'll be haunted item and while you're in possession of it, a creepy scourge will haunt your movements. Phase Five happened on October 26 6pm. Server time at this moment in the game there simply weren't any cities any more. They were simply places where zombies existed. There was no way to escape from the scourge any longer everywhere was a complete chaos. In this day.
The incubation period for the plague to players decreased from two hours to one . Argent healers have been trying to stop the epidemic of almost all but disappeared from cities, residents and vermin plagued the guards and player efforts to eradicate the disease are becoming less effective.
Zombies also got stronger, gaining more damage buffs. And then on the dawn of the 27th of October. Efforts to find a cure began to be made with new quests which all players could pick up in Shattrath Masters Alliance players getting stronger equipment to fight against the Scourge 86 starting 27th of October, at noon. By an end to the campaign there was a cure for the disease and the infestations were no longer a problem. Residents vermin, roaches and vermin also were eliminated and players were able to return to major cities again, even though the invasion itself still continued to this by many was thought to be the end of the major event for this pre patch. Wrath of the Lich King the pre-patch. A lot happened during those four and a half days that will always be kept in the memory.
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