Asianfriend WoW Classic Season of Discovery Solo Farming Gold Strategies for Level 25

News Information

  • NEWS_POSTED_BY: Kara Conroy
  • NEWS_POSTED_ON: Jan 12, 2024
  • Views : 285
  • Likes : 3
  • Category : Europe
  • Description : We warmly welcome you to our guide on the most efficient way to farm gold in wow classic for solo players at level 25 during the season of discovery. For those who want to have more gold reserves, you can find a lucrative opportunity in the Duskwood region of Eastern Kingdoms that requires any class though increasing your gear score will make your farming more profitable.

    The best place is The Rotting Orchard in Duskwood.
    Here is how it works:
    Mage Farming Mastery
    This particular farm will reward mages. Gear yourself with talents like Living Flame, Living Bomb, and Regeneration to increase your efficiency. Start by buffing yourself with Regeneration for the Temporal Beacon buff. Next target a monster and cast Living Flame on it. Then have up to two approaching monsters affected by Living Bomb while you play this game. Finally, unleash Arcane Explosion over and over again until they die.
    In the first use of Living Flame, a four-level difference between you and them might lead to resistance. Keep all mobs on their fire trail since they are going down.

    Skinning: A Gold Mine
    It is strongly recommended that everyone should try their hands at skinning irrespective of their class. Skinning the defeated monsters will bring a large amount of WOW Classic Sod Gold.

    Solid Chests: A Treasure Hunter's Dream
    While there are five possible spawn locations for Solid Chests in Duskwood which spawn every 8-14 minutes after they have been looted, these chests may contain such items as Lesser Mana Potion, Healing Potion, Wild Steelbloom, Swiftthistle among others. Rare blue items worth high prices such as Trolls Bane Leggings or Sparkleshell Mantle as well as valuable green items can also be found here.

    Tracking and Timing
    Therefore keep an eye on spawn timers so that you maximize your chances of getting valuable loot.

    Loot Breakdown
    Gold, vendor trash, green items that can be auctioned, and skins from the hour-long farm in Duskwood are representative of an average haul. This could even go higher if rare items drop.

    Pro Tips for Survival
    In case you are overwhelmed with too many enemies, there are several strategic locations on the map where you can stand to disengage them after a while.